2017 Cases

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was involved in an ongoing dispute with a neighbor. The neighbor alleged the client threatened to shoot him. The client is summonsed to court to answer on threats to commit a crime. Boston Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: Jury finds the client NOT GUILTY

Cambridge District Court

The client was at work. His ex-girlfriend called and told her she was coming to his place of work to retrieve money he owed to her. The client informed her he did not have the money at the time. She proceeded to his place of work and argued with the client. The argument turned physical when the alleged victim scratched the client’s face. Police arrived, pictures were taken and both were arrested. Cambridge Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case and locates a favorable witness for the client.

Result: Case DISMISSED.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Assault & Battery on a Family/Household member. The client and his girlfriend attended separate parties on New Year’s Eve. After midnight, the client picked up his girlfriend from the party she was attending. She was intoxicated. The client and the girlfriend got into an argument about her level of intoxication. While crossing the street, the alleged victim tripped and fell. A police officer was rounding the corner at the time. The officer claimed the client pushed her to the ground. Massachusetts Domestic Assault Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: NOT GUILTY verdict by the jury.

Chelsea District Court

The client was involved in a tumultuous relationship with his ex-girlfriend. The client had been engage in a relationship with her for over a decade. The alleged victim had a restraining order against the client prohibiting contact with her. The Commonwealth alleged the client visited her work, while she was not there and communicated with her boss telling the boss to relay information to the alleged victim. This alleged third-party contact was the alleged violation of the restraining order. Restraining order violation defense lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: Jury finds the client NOT GUILTY.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with rape and sodomy of the mother of his child. The alleged victim claimed the incident had occurred about five years prior to the client being brought into court on the charges. Massachusetts Rape Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case in preparation for a probable cause hearing. The investigation reveals a significant bias on the part of the alleged victim. A probable cause hearing takes place over the course of two days. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Judge finds probable cause on some counts, but not others. The client is “bound over” for Superior Court.

Result: After approximately 3 months, the Commonwealth files a Nolle Prosequi, ending the prosecution of the case. The Client is never indicted.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The client is charge with Operating Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor and Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle. The client was involved in a low-speed fender-bender in the city of Boston. The driver of the car that the client collided with gets out of his car and snaps the key in the client’s ignition. He calls the police. When the police arrive, they arrest the client for Operating Under the Influence of Intoxicating liquor. Massachusetts OUI Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: Jury returns a verdict of NOT GUILTY.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Domestic Assault and Battery. Police are called to the client’s residence when his wife calls 911 and claims the client struck her in the face. When police arrive, they do not observe any physical marks of the alleged victim’s face. Massachusetts Domestic Assault and Battery Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case. The alleged victim gave a statement saying the client did not hit her, but instead that he was reluctant to take his medicine and she wanted the police to respond to make him take his medicine.

Result: On the day of the trial, the Commonwealth files a Nolle Prosequi on the case ending the prosecution of the client.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The Drug Control Unit observes the client approach a known drug dealer and exchange items with him. Based on the experience and training of the police officers, they believe they had witnessed a drug transaction. Police approach the client and the client admits he purchased heroin from the other man. The client is arrested. Boston Drug Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares his defense.

Result: Roxbury Drug Defense Attorney Jeff Miller persuades the Commonwealth to dismiss the case. Case dismissed, no drug conviction. The client avoids committed jail time, probation and a driver’s license suspension.

Chelsea District Court

The client was involved in an argument with his girlfriend. Police are called to the scene. When they arrive, the girlfriend tells the police the client struck her in the face several times. The client is charged with Assault & Battery on a Family/Household member. Chelsea Domestic Assault & Battery lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client is involved in an argument with his ex-girlfriend. The police allege they observe a man running after a car in the street of Chelsea. When the car stops at a red light, officers observe a man punch the window of the car, break the glass and strike the driver. The police apply for a criminal complaint charging the client with malicious destruction of property, and domestic assault & battery. Attorney Miller prepares the case for trial.

Result: On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was alleged to be loitering in a public area in Roxbury. The police approached the client and charged him with trespassing. Boston Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller drafts a motion to dismiss the trespassing charge.

Result: The Commonwealth concedes the motion to dismiss. Case dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client is charged with, inter alia, refusal to return stolen property. Police officers observe the client and a woman engaged in an argument. When they approach the woman they realize she is crying. The woman states he will not give me my phone. The client hugs the woman and drops the phone into her purse. Roxbury Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller files a motion to dismiss the charge of refusal to return stolen property.

Result: After hearing, Motion to Dismiss ALLOWED.

Boston Municipal Court
West Roxbury

The client was charged with Arson. The police alleged she intentionally started a fire in her apartment. When police responded to the apartment, they observed multiple candles burning along with a pile of clothing on the client’s bed. Massachusetts Arson Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case.

Result: Attorney Miller persuades the Prosecutor to give the client pretrial probation for 60 days. No admission of wrongdoing. No admission of guilt. After 60 days, the case is dismissed.

Westborough District Court

The client received notice of a clerk-magistrate’s hearing to determine if a criminal complaint would issue for driving with a suspended license.

Result: After hearing, no criminal complaint issues.

Suffolk Superior Court

The client was a passenger in a car that was stopped for not having an inspection sticker. The police ordered the client and two other men from the car after seeing what they describe as “furtive gestures.” A large amount of narcotics, over 400 grams, was seized from the car. In addition, cellphones were seized and searched without a search warrant. Three separate motions to suppress were filed.

Result: One motion to suppress allowed, the second motion to suppress is allowed in part and the third motion to suppress is denied.

Chelsea District Court

The client had rented an apartment. The landlord was remodeling the apartment while the client was living there. The landlord began work at approximately 7:00 a.m. and was playing the radio loudly. The client became upset and smashed the radio. The landlord also alleged the client told him she would burn the house down. The client was arrested for malicious destruction of property under $250, which she admitted to and threats to commit a crime, which she denied. Chelsea, MA Criminal Defense Lawyer prepares for trial.

Result: NOT GUILTY on threats charge, Guilty, probation on malicious destruction under $250.



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