Violent Crime Case Results

Massachusetts Assault and Battery Defense Case Results

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was involved in an ongoing dispute with a neighbor. The neighbor alleged the client threatened to shoot him. The client is summonsed to court to answer on threats to commit a crime. Boston Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: Jury finds the client NOT GUILTY

Cambridge District Court

The client was at work. His ex-girlfriend called and told her she was coming to his place of work to retrieve money he owed to her. The client informed her he did not have the money at the time. She proceeded to his place of work and argued with the client. The argument turned physical when the alleged victim scratched the client’s face. Police arrived, pictures were taken and both were arrested. Cambridge Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case and locates a favorable witness for the client.

Result: Case DISMISSED.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Assault & Battery on a Family/Household member. The client and his girlfriend attended separate parties on New Year’s Eve. After midnight, the client picked up his girlfriend from the party she was attending. She was intoxicated. The client and the girlfriend got into an argument about her level of intoxication. While crossing the street, the alleged victim tripped and fell. A police officer was rounding the corner at the time. The officer claimed the client pushed her to the ground. Massachusetts Domestic Assault Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: NOT GUILTY verdict by the jury.

Chelsea District Court

The client was involved in a tumultuous relationship with his ex-girlfriend. The client had been engage in a relationship with her for over a decade. The alleged victim had a restraining order against the client prohibiting contact with her. The Commonwealth alleged the client visited her work, while she was not there and communicated with her boss telling the boss to relay information to the alleged victim. This alleged third-party contact was the alleged violation of the restraining order. Restraining order violation defense lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: Jury finds the client NOT GUILTY.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Assault and Battery on a Police Officer and Operating with a suspended license. The police alleged the client was driving with her four-way flashers on. The officer stopped her to see if she needed assistance. When he approached the car, the client stated she had sprained her ankle and was on her way to the hospital. The officer requested her license. The client provided her license and the officer informed her that her license was suspended. The client drove off. The officer located her in the parking lot of the hospital. When he asked her to turn off her engine, she refused. The officer reached into the car to pull the keys from the ignition. The officer alleged the client bit him on the wrist. Chelsea, MA Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: The jury returns a verdict of NOT GUILTY.

Chelsea District Court

The client was alleged to be involved in a large fight between several women. According to the police, the client pulled a knife and threatened a woman at knife point. Attorney Jeff Miller prepares the case for trial.

Result: Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and larceny from a person. According to the alleged victim, the client lured him into his backyard to smoke marijuana. When the alleged victim got to the backyard, two other men were waiting. The three men pulled knives and demanded money from the alleged victim. Revere, MA Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case and learns of some significant inconsistencies. Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result: Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client is a resident at an apartment building. The building maintenance man had a grudge against the client. On the day of the incident, the maintenance man claimed the client pushed him inside the building at the elevator. Chelsea Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares the case for trial.

Result: On the day of trial, case dismissed. The Client maintains a clean record.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was a passenger on an MBTA Bus. While the client was talking to her friend on her cellphone, the alleged victim was involved in an argument with the client. The client and the alleged victim were unknown to each other. The alleged victim stated that the client hit her when they exited the bus. Boston Criminal Defense Attorney secures the MBTA video that reveals no such incident.

Result: Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest. According to the Commonwealth, Police responded to a home for a report of a domestic assault. When Officers arrived, they observed the client and his girlfriend inside the foyer of a multi-unit apartment building. Officers stated they appeared to be engaged in an argument. The officer ordered the client out of the hallway. The client asked why? The officer placed him under arrest for disorderly conduct. While attempting to handcuff the client, the officer alleged the client pulled his arms away. Chelsea Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.


Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Assault with a dangerous weapon, to wit: firearm, criminal harassment and Assault and Battery with a Dangerous weapon causing serious bodily injury. These charges stem from three separate incidents over a period of approximately three weeks. When the client was arraigned on the first charge, she was outfitted with a GPS tracking device. On the third incident, the alleged victim was severely beaten. When police responded to the hospital, the alleged victim stated multiple people jumped out of a car and attacked her. She named the client by name. The client’s bail was revoked and she was ordered held without bail for 90 days. Roxbury Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller obtains the GPS data for the date and time of the incident. The data reveals the client was not near the location of the incident at the time of the incident. Boston Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller files a Motion to Reconsider the Bail Revocation. In a very rare instance, the Judge ALLOWS the motion to reconsider and the client is released on bail. Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result: On the day of trial, all three cases dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Felony Unarmed Robbery. The police alleged the client robbed another woman of her cellphone and several hundred dollars on the platform of an MBTA station. The alleged victim had cuts and abrasions consistent with being involved in an altercation. The client did not have any of the property alleged to have be stolen when the police apprehended him within minutes of the alleged incident. The charged is reduced to Larceny from a Person. Boston Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares the case for trial.

Result: On the day of trial, the case is dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Felony Unarmed Robbery. The Commonwealth alleged the client pulled a knife on another man and stole his cellphone. Massachusetts Robbery Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case and finds an independent witness who provides valuable information for the defense of the case. Massachusetts Robbery Attorney Jeff Miller prepares the case for trial.

Result: On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Domestic Assault and Battery on her husband. The client and her husband were going through a divorce. The client went to he husband’s house to drop of her child. During the exchange, an incident occurred leading to both the client and her husband being charges. Boston Domestic Assault Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Felony Assault with a dangerous weapon and resisting arrest. On the day of the incident, the client was experiencing a mental health episode. A family member called police. When police arrived, the client was holding a knife in a ‘menacing’ manner toward the police. Police subdued him and arrested him. While arresting him, the client resisted their attempt to place him in custody. Boston Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller has client evaluated for criminal responsibility.

Result: The client is deemed not criminal responsible due to the occurrence of a psychotic episode during the time of the incident. The Prosecution does not challenge the finding and the case is dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Felony Assault and Battery with a Dangerous weapon. The Commonwealth alleged the client had taken a knife into a bedroom and held it to his roommate’s body while the roommate was sleeping. Chelsea, MA criminal Defense Attorney investigates the charge and prepares for trial.

Result: Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with assault and battery on a family/household member. While this is a misdemeanor charge, recent changes to the statute require completion of a Certified Batterer’s Intervention Program (this is a very onerous and often times demeaning program for the client). According to the Commonwealth, the client and his girlfriend were engaged in a physical altercation while staying at a hotel. Chelsea Domestic Assault Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case and prepares for trial.

Result: Case Dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Assault and Battery on a family/household member, witness intimidation and threats to commit a crime. According to the Commonwealth, the police received a call from a friend of the alleged victim. The caller stated she was afraid to go into her apartment where her boyfriend, the client was staying. When police arrived, the alleged victim was outside the apartment crying and shaking. She told police she had not been home in several days and was afraid to go inside as her boyfriend had assaulted her in the past. The Commonwealth moves for a dangerousness hearing. After the hearing, the client is held without bail as dangerous up to trial. Massachusetts Domestic Assault Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: On the day of trial, Attorney Miller files a motion to dismiss the witness intimidation charge. Motion to Dismiss the witness intimidation charge ALLOWED. Attorney Miller answers ready for trial. Case dismissed. The client is released from custody.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with assault and battery on a family/household member. The Commonwealth alleged the client was involved in an altercation with his wife and struck her in the face. Chelsea Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares the case for trial.

Result: Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with felony-unarmed robbery. This charge carries the possibility of life in state prison. The Commonwealth alleged that the client and another man participated in a street robbery of the alleged victim. When the police arrived, he provided police with a description of his attackers. The client and another man were located a few blocks away and charged. The charge was eventually reduced to larceny from a person. Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result: On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with the crime of affray. According to the police, the client was engaged in a fight with another man when the police arrived. The other man was not charged. Chelsea Criminal Defense Attorney prepares for trial.

Result: Case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Felony Assault and Battery by means of a Dangerous weapon, to wit: Bottle.  The police observed the client walking on the street.  The client was crying and upset.  The client informed the police she had been involved in a verbal altercation with her sister that became physical when her sister pushed her to the ground.  A third party told police the client threw a bottle at her and struck her in the chest.  Boston Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares the case for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Cambridge District Court

The client received a notice to appear for a clerk-magistrate’s hearing on one count of threats to commit a crime.  The client had no prior criminal record.  The government alleged the client was engaged in an argument with his neighbor.  During the argument, the client made a statement that he should “go get his 9.”  The police arrived and the client admitted the statement.  Massachusetts Clerk-magistrate Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for the clerk’s hearing.

Result:  Clerk-magistrate finds probable cause but agrees to continue the case for one year without issuing a complaint.  The application for criminal complaint will be dismissed in one-year if the client does not engage in any further criminal conduct.  No entry on client’s criminal record.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with domestic assault and battery on a household member.  The Commonwealth alleged was engaged in an argument with her husband and that the argument turned into a physical altercation.  The Commonwealth alleged the client head butted her husband during the incident.  Roxbury Domestic Assault and Battery lawyer Jeff Miller interviews the husband and prepares for trial.

Result:  At the pretrial conference the husband asserts marital privilege and the case is dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division 

The client was charged with Domestic Assault and Battery on her sister.  The Commonwealth alleged the client engaged in a verbal argument with her sister.  The argument turned physical and the Commonwealth alleged the client punched her sister in the face.  The sister obtained a restraining order against the client.  Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, Attorney Miller convinces the prosecutor to offer Pretrial Probation.  No admission by the client.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Felony Assault and Battery by Means of a Dangerous Weapon: to wit, shod foot.  The Commonwealth alleged the client engaged in a fight with a neighbor.  During the course of the fight, the client is alleged to have kicked the neighbor in the head.  Massachusetts Assault and Battery by Means of a Dangerous Weapon Defense lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the case.  Attorney Miller discovers another witness who provides a different account of the incident and states the client was not involved in the physical portion of the fight.  Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with four counts of illegal possession of a firearm and one Count of Felony Assault with a dangerous weapon, to wit: firearm.  The client was at home with his girlfriend.  The client had been arguing with his girlfriend during the course of the day.  The client was also drinking for period of the day.  At the culmination of the argument, the alleged victim retired to the bedroom upstairs.  The client was cleaning four firearms that he used for hunting.  The alleged victim heard a noise and came out of her bedroom.  She thought it was the client destroying her computer.  When she looked downstairs, she observed the client holding a rifle by the barrel with the butt of the gun on the floor.  The client asked what she was doing.  The alleged victim retreated to the bedroom and called 911.  A local SWAT team responded and placed the client under arrest.  Though the client had no criminal record, the Government insisted on committed jail time for the client.  Massachusetts Firearm Defense Lawyer prepares for trial and possible disposition of the case.

Result:  On the day of trial, Attorney Miller persuades the Judge to adopt a Plea agreement that saves the client from a committed jail sentence and a felony conviction.  The client receives a period of probation and avoids a Felony conviction.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client is involved in an incident with his adult son on the night of Super Bowl XLIX.  The client and his son had been drinking.  After the game, the client turned the music up on his stereo in celebration of the New England Patriot victory.  The son was upset about this and turned off the source of electrical power.  A physical altercation ensued.  When the police arrived, the client was arrested for assault and battery.  Boston Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
East Boston Division

The client was charged with domestic assault and battery.  The client was engaged in a verbal argument with his live-in girlfriend.  The argument turned physical when the girlfriend struck the client.  The client called 911.  Both parties were drinking on the night of the incident.  When police arrived, the client informed them he called and provided his account of the incident.  The client had a cut on his head that required multiple stiches to close.  In addition, the client had a lengthy cut on his cheek.  The girlfriend provided the police with her version of the incident.  Despite the client’s injuries, the police arrested the client.  Boston Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, Boston Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller requests a lawyer talk to the alleged victim about her right against self-incrimination.  The court finds a valid fifth amendment privilege and the alleged victim exercises her fifth amendment privilege.  Case dismissed. 

Note:  On the day the case was dismissed, Attorney Miller files a motion to seal the record.  The Judge ALLOWS the motion and the record is sealed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with felony Assault with intent to Rob, Assault and Battery and Attempt to Commit the crime of Robbery.  The government alleged the client assaulted and attempted to rob the alleged victim in a remote area of Chelsea in the early morning hours.  When police arrived, they observed the alleged victim sitting in the street.  The police also observed a female applying a rag to the alleged victim’s head to stop the bleeding form a cut on his head.  The alleged victim stated two black males had tried to rob him.  A short-time later, the police located the client sitting inside the hallway of an apartment building.  The client was not wearing shoes, he was sweaty and gasping for air.  When police inquired, the client told him a man just tried to rob him.  Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with multiple counts of threats to commit a crime and Felony Witness Intimidation.  The Commonwealth alleged a woman visited the client at the client’s house.  During the visit an argument ensued and the client allegedly ordered her pit bull to attack the alleged victim.  Also, the victim alleged the client stated “she would slice her face up” if she reported the incident to the police.  The alleged victim waited approximately three weeks before reporting the incident to the police.  During the investigatory phase of the case,  Chelsea Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller discovers a report from the Animal Control Officer.  The report states the Animal Control Officer did not believe the victim’s injuries were caused by dog bites.  Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with two counts of assault and battery that occurred on two separate dates.  The client’s son was the alleged victim on both cases.  Chelsea Assault and Battery Lawyer Jeff Miller interviews the alleged victim of the cases.  Attorney miller recognizes the alleged victim may have a Fifth Amendment privilege.  The prosecutor refuses to dismiss the case prior to trial.  Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, Attorney Miller requests the court to appoint counsel to the alleged victim.  The alleged victim’s counsel determines the client had a Fifth Amendment privilege and that he wishes to assert the privilege.  Case Dismissed not he day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client was arraigned on a charge of unarmed robbery.  After arraignment, the charge was reduced to larceny from a person.  The Commonwealth alleged the client and another man robbed a woman at knifepoint while she was at an ATM machine.    A short-time after the incident, police stopped the client and another man a couple blocks away from the incident.  The alleged victim was brought to attempt an identification.  She identified the other man and thought the client “looked like the other guy.”  Attorney Miller begins investigation of the case.  First, Attorney Miller subpoenas the video surveillance footage from the bank.  Second, Attorney Miller visits the site of the alleged incident.  Attorney Miller reviews a recent SJC decision relating to identifications while preparing for trial.

Result:  On day of trial, case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with domestic assault and battery and felony witness intimidation on his live in girlfriend.  According to the Commonwealth, the client was engaged in a verbal argument with his girlfriend.  The argument turned physical when the client allegedly grabbed the alleged victim by the throat and threw her to the couch.  The alleged victim attempted to make a 911 call at which point the Commonwealth alleged the client grabbed the phone from her hand, thereby preventing her from reporting the incident (witness intimidation charge).  Massachusetts assault and battery defense lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with assault and battery on a police officer and disorderly conduct.  The Boston Police made the following allegations.  The police were called to a Roxbury residence for a report of a man with a gun.  Upon arrival, police observed numerous people outside of a house.  Those people were attending a birthday party.  The time was approximately 2:00 a.m. and the partygoers were drinking alcohol.  Several police officers approached the client.  The officers asked the client if he had observed anyone with a gun.  The client reported he had, gave a description of the car and told police the gunman was driving up and down the street.  Next, police asked the client for his identification.  The client refused to provide identification.  Next, officers demanded identification.  The client refused.  Police proceeded to arrest the client for disorderly conduct.  While the client was being taken to the police cruiser, police alleged the client chest-bumped and spit at a police officer.  Boston, MA criminal defense attorney Jeff Miller prepares the case for trial.

Result:  After Jury Trial, the client is found NOT GUILTY on both counts.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Armed Carjacking with a firearm, various drug offenses and Receiving a stolen Motor Vehicle.  The Government alleged the client approached the driver of a car, held a gun to his head, and forced him to give him the car.  Two days later, the car was stopped and the client was in the passenger seat.  The Government’s witness told police a strange version of events involving the incident.  The client was held on a high bail.

Result:  After approximately 150 days, Government files a Nolle Prosequi on the case.  Client is released from custody.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with 3 counts of domestic assault and battery, 1 count of felony assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon and 1 count of felony malicious destruction of property.  The government alleged the client beat his wife and child in a series of events over a period of approximately 1 week.  The government is seeking committed jail time on a plea.  The client rejects the plea offer.  Boston, MA Assault and Battery Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case Dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with assault.  The government alleged the client assaulted the alleged victim when he threw a piece of bread at him.  The client was the alleged victim’s employer at the time of the incident.  Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  NOT GUILTY.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with assault and battery.  The government alleged one car rear-ended another.  The client was a passenger in the car.  The client got out of the car and approached the driver.  The driver subsequently spit in the client’s face and a struggle ensued.  Chelsea, MA assault and battery defense attorney investigates case and prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Domestic Assault.  The Government alleged the client was involved in a fight with his brother and threatened to stab him.  Massachusetts Domestic Assault defense lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the case in preparation for trial.  Attorney Miller interviews the alleged victim and recognizes the alleged victim has a Fifth Amendment Privilege.

Result:  On the day of trial, the alleged victim asserts Fifth Amendment Privilege.  Case Dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Brighton Division 

The client is a model citizen with no previous record.  The client and his wife were engaged in an argument in their home.  The wife alleged the client grabbed her by the shoulder and threatened to kick her out of the house.  Police were called and the client was charged with domestic assault and battery.  Brighton Assault and Battery Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case.  During the investigation several inconsistencies were discovered.  In addition, the investigation revealed possible financial motives of the alleged victim.  Boston Assault and Battery Lawyer Jeff Miller develops the theory of the case and prepares for trial.

Result:  NOT GUILTY.  Jury acquits the client.  The client maintains a clean record.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with domestic assault and battery.  The police received a phone call from the client’s neighbor.  The Neighbor reported he had “heard” the client and his girlfriend engaged in a lengthy argument.  The neighbor reported the client had been drinking all day.  The police arrive and observe what they term “fresh bruises” on the alleged victim.  The alleged victim states she and her boyfriend were in an argument.  She denies any touching.  Chelsea, MA Domestic Assault and Battery Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, Chelsea Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller argues for dismissal of the case.  Case Dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with domestic assault and battery and Felony malicious destruction of property.  The Commonwealth alleged the client punched and scratched her significant other during an argument over alleged infidelity.  When police arrive, they speak with the alleged victim who provides his account of the incident.  The alleged victim states the client punched him and broke numerous items in the apartment during the incident.  The police observe numerous broken items in the apartment.  Chelsea, MA assault and battery attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division 

The client was charged with Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the client pushed a minister while trying to enter a religious service.  Boston Assault and Battery Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the incident and prepares for trial.  At trial, the alleged victim, a minister, testified the client pushed him hard while the alleged victim was trying to deny the client entry to religious services.  The arresting police officer testified the client was angry and aggressive when the officer approached the client inside the service.  The officer testified the client stated “I don’t care what happened, I’ll come back.”

Result:  Jury finds client NOT GUILTY.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Felony Larceny from a person and assault and battery.  The government alleged the client, unprovoked, attacked the alleged victim while he was standing on a corner and stole $200 from his pocket.  When police arrived they arrested the client based on the alleged victim’s version of events.  No money was found while the client was being booked.  Chelsea Massachusetts Trial Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case.  Larceny from a Person Lawyer Jeff Miller locates an independent witness who has a  different version of the incident.  Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, the government announces they cannot meet their burden.  Case Dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Felony Assault and Battery by means of a dangerous weapon.  The complaining witness alleged the client flipped a table and struck her in the chest during an argument.  Boston Assault and Battery by Means of A Dangerous Weapon Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the facts. The investigation reveals significant credibility issues of the alleged victim.  Roxbury, MA Assault and Battery Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  After three-day trial, NOT GUILTY.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with assault and battery.  The prosecution alleged the client engaged in a physical altercation with the alleged victim over the use of a cellphone.  Chelsea Assault and Battery Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates case and prepares for trial.

Result:  On day of trial, case dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The client was charged with Domestic Assault and Battery and Malicious Destruction of Property.  The client and the complaining witness had recently ended a three year relationship.  During an attempted reconciliation, the alleged victim claimed the client threw her up against a refrigerator and held her there by the throat.  Two independent witnesses testified to a similar account.  Boston Assault and Battery Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  After jury trial, jury finds the client NOT GUILTY on all counts.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The client was charged with Violation of a Restraining Order.  The Commonwealth acknowledged the client had never been served with the restraining order thereby failing to fulfill the notice requirement.  However, the Commonwealth averred the alleged victim told the client about the restraining order when she saw him on the street.  Boston Restraining Order Violation Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial. 

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Felony Assault and Battery by means of a dangerous weapon, to wit: shod foot, assault and battery and receiving a stolen credit card.  The Commonwealth alleged the client was in a fight with a former girlfriend when he punched and kicked her in the face.  When the client was arrested, he was in possession of a credit card of another person.  Roxbury Assault and Battery Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial. 

Chelsea District Court 

The client was charged with Felony Larceny from the Person and Carrying a Dangerous Weapon.  The prosecutor alleged the client and another man approached the alleged victim and demanded his cellphone.  The alleged victim reports the incident to police.  A short-time later, police observe the client walking in the area of the incident.  After a short chase, police apprehend the client and place him under arrest.  Felony Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was a Haitian immigrant in the United States with TPS.  The client was charged with Domestic Assault and Battery.  At the time of the incident, the client and her husband were attempting to bring the client’s 11 year-old daughter to the United States.  Roxbury, MA Domestic Assault and Battery Attorney negotiates a pre-arraignment disposition with the prosecutor.

Result:  Case Dismissed prior to Arraignment.  No Criminal Record for the Client.

Boston Muncipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Assault and Disorderly Conduct.  The Commonwealth alleged Police observed the cleint and his friend engaged in an argument.  Police approached and noted the client and his friend appeared to be under the influence.  The client allegedly raised his fist and made a threatening comment to the Police Officer.  Roxbury, MA Assault Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case Dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with two counts of Felony Unarmed Robbery stemming from two separate incidents.  Roxbury, MA Robbery Defense Attorney Jeff Miller convinces the prosecutor to reduce the charges to Larceny From a Person.  Boston, MA Robbery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the cases and discovers significant identification issues.

Result:  Cases Dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with felony kidnapping, assault and battery, and larceny over $250.  The Commonwealth alleged the client got into a fight with his girlfriend, struck her several times and prevented her from leaving the apartment overnight.  Additionally, the Commonwealth alleged the client stole several unemployment checks from his girlfriend.  Massachusetts Kidnapping Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates and prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chlesea District Court

The client was charged with Felony Assault by means of a dangerous weapon.  The Commonwealth alleged the client pulled a straight razor from his pocket when approached by a police officer.  The officer testified the client threw the straight razor over his head during the altercation causing him fear.  Chelsea MA Felony Assault Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  NOT GUILTY after Jury Trial.

Suffolk Superior Court

The client was charged with Felony Armed Robbery, Felony Assault and Battery by means of a Dangerous Weapon; to wit: Knife and Felony Assault and Battery on a person with a Disability.  The Commonwealth alleged the client and a co-defendant robbed and stabbed the alleged victims in the case.  No arrest was made for several weeks.  Boston Armed Robbery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares misidentification aand 3rd party culprit defense.  The case involved extensive investigation and discovery to prepare for trial.  The 3 1/2 week trial included testimony from over 30 witnesses, including several expert witnesses.

Result:  Jury returns NOT GUILTY verdict on all counts. 

Waltham District Court

The client was charged with Domestic Assault and Battery on a family member.  The COmmonwealth alleged the client pushed his father during an argument.  Waltham, MA Assault and Battery Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case and prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, Commonwealth files Nolle Prosequi.  Case ends against the client.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Domestic Assault and Battery, Felony Breaking and Entering, Felony Larceny from the person, threats to commit a crime and Larceny under $250.  The Commonwealth alleged the client broke into his own home, engaged in an argument with his girlfriend and stole his own telephone.  Chelsea Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the case.  The alleged victim has a different version of evenets.  Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with two counts of Felony Assault and Battery by means of a Dangerous Weapon; to wit: Knife and Assault and Battery by means of a Dangerous Weapon on a Person over 60.  The Commonwealth alleged the client stabbed three separate individuals during a dispute.  When police arrive at the scene, they find a significant amount of blood and several people with non-life threatening injuries.  Chelsea, MA Felony Assault Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case. The investigation suggests significant credibility issues relating to the witnesses and alleged victims.  Cheslea, MA Assault and Battery by means of a Dangerous Weapon Laywer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client is charged with Felony Assault and Battery by menas of a Dangerous weapon; to wit: Blunt object.  The Commonwealth alleged the client engaged in an altercation with another woman while attempting to collect a debt.  The alleged incident occurred on a busy Chelsea Street in the late afternoon. Chelsea ABDW Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Commonwealth moves to dismiss the case on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Violation of a Restraining Order in violation of MGL chapter 209A.  The Commonwealth alleged the client had contacted the alleged victim by telephone thereby violating the no contact provision of the Restraining Order.  209A Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case.  Roxbury Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller learns of an ongoing problem stemming from a bad break-up between the client and the alleged victim.  Roxbury, MA Restraining Order Defense Trial Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  After jury trial, NOT GUILTY.

Lowell District Court

The client is charged in a 12 count criminal complaint.  Two charges, Armed Assault to Murder and Armed Assault in a Dwelling, are Superior Court charges.  The Armed Assault in a Dwelling charge carried a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in state prison.  Lowell Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller negotiates with the Superior Court District Attorney assigned to the case.

Result:  Armed Assault to Murder Defense Attorney Jeff Miller convinces DA not to indict the case.  Client receives a sentence of probation, avoiding mandatory minimum state prison sentence.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Assault and Battery, disturbing the peace and affray.  The Commonwealth alleged multiple people were invloved in a large street fight.  The client was present at the scene.  The police arrive and allege the client punched another male while the police were present.  The client maintained she had defended herself after being punched first.  Roxbury, MA Assault and Battery Attorney Jeff Miller investigates and locates an independent witness.  Boston, MA Trial Lawyer Jeff Miller summonses witness to testify at trial.

Result:  Prosecutor moves to dismiss on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client is charged with Felony Armed Robbery.  The Commonwealth alleged client robbed him at gunpoint taking $260 from his pocket.  The client maintained the incident was contrived by the alleged victim.  The alleged victim had been involved in a dating relationship with the client’s girlfriend.  Roxbury, MA Robbery Defense Attorney Jeff Miller obtains cellphone records and text messages from the alleged victim’s cellphone.  Attorney Miller provides to the prosecutor at the pretrial.  The prosecutor does not dismiss the case.  Massachusetts Trial Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, the alleged victim appears in court.  Prosecutor moves to dismiss the case.

Chelsea District Court

The Commonwealth charged the client with Indecent Assault and Battery and Assualt and Battery.  After trial, the jury Acquitted the client on the charge of Indecent Assault and Battery and could not reach a unanimous decision on the Assault and Battery charge (Hung jury).  The Commonwealth announced they would retry the client on the assault and battery charge.  Based on information that was exposed at the first trial, Massachusetts Indecent Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller subpoeans the alleged victims phone records and the trial transcript.  This informaiton was extremely important for impeachment purposes at the second trial.  Chelsea, MA Assault and Battery Defense Attorney Jeff Miller provides the prosecutor with the infromation prior to the second trial.

Result:  On the day the second trial is scheduled to begin, the prosecutor moves to dismiss the case.

Chelsea District Court

The client is charged with Felony Aggravated Assault and Battery, Assault and Battery by means of a Dangerous Weapon; to wit: knife, and Assault and Battery.  The Commonwealth alleged the defendant stabbed a family member in the arm during a altercation inside the home.  The Commonwealth requested the medical records and the case proceeded on the trial path.  Massachusetts Aggravated Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the case and prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, Prosecutor moves to dismiss the case.

Chelsea District Court

In an interesting case, the Commonwealth alleged the client Robbed a patron while inside a local bar.  When police arrive, they allege they find the alleged victim’s credit card inside the client’s pocket.  The client is charged with Unarmed Robbery and Assault and Battery.  Chelsea, MA Robbery Defense AttorneyJeff  Miller prepares the case for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Felony Unarmed Robbery and Witness Intimidation.  The client had been engaged in a domestic relationship with the alleged victim for a number of years.  The client had a lengthy history of defending against charges levied by the alleged victim.  Boston, MA Wintess Intimidation Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the history and prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The Commonwealth alleged the client Intimidated a Witness inside the courthouse.  Chelsea, MA Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the allegations by interviewing witnesses who were alleged to be present during the incident.  Suffolk County Criminal Trial Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The client was charged with Assault and Domestic Assault and Battery.  The alleged victim reported to police the client had abused her for a number of years.  On the day of the incident, the alleged victim stated the client had punched her multiple times in the head.  Roxbury, MA Dommestic Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the incident and prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Domestic Assault and Battery.  Chelsea, MA Assault and Battery Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case and finds the client’s wife has a different account of the incident.  Massachusetts Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller conferences the case with prosecutor.  The client’s wife asserts her marital privilege.

Result:  Case Dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client is charged with Felony Breaking and Entering with the intent to commit a felony and Resisting Arrest.  The police allege the client entered a house through a window.  When police arrive, they observe the client inside the house.  A police officer enters through the window and orders the defendant to his knees at gunpoint.  The client does not comply.  The police force compliance with a series of body strikes.  Revere, MA Crimnal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller files a motion to dismiss the resisting arrest charge.

Result:  On the day of the motion, The prosecutor moves to dismiss the resisting arrest charge.

Chelsea District Court

One count of the complaint charged the client with Violation of a Restraining Order.  The client was arrested and transported to the police station.  The police alleged the client used his phone call to call the alleged victim for bail, thereby violating the no contact provision of the restraining order.  The client denied the allegation.  Criminal Restraining Order Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller timely moves to preserve the booking video which would have captured the incident.  After numerous unsuccessful requests for the video, Revere, MA Defense Attorney Jeff Miller files a motion to dismiss.

Result:  Motion to dismiss ALLOWED, charge dismissed with prejudice.

Chelsea District Court

The client is charged with Domestic Assault and Battery.  After an altercation with the mother of his child, police respond to the residence of the client.  The client makes some incriminatory admissions.  Chelsea, MA Restraining Order Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the case and prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The client was charged with Violation of a Restraining Order in violation of MGL chapter 209A.  The alleged victim received a letter in the mail.  The letter was sent from the jail where the client was being detained on another case.  The letter was written by a third party referencing details of the relationship between the alleged victim and the client.  The alleged victim stated the letter was written by the client.  On the day of trial, Chelsea, MA Criminal Trial Attorney Jeff Miller moves for a voir dire of the alleged victim to authenticate the document.  After the voir dire hearing, the trial Judge finds the alleged victim did not authenticate the document.

Result:  Case dismissed with prejudice.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The defendant is charged with Felony Assault and Battery by means of a Dangerous Weapon and Assault and Battery.  On the night of the incident, the government alleged the defendant and the alleged victim were attending a house party.  An altercation ensued and the alleged victim was stabbed in the head.  The defendant went home.  The police entered his residence a short time later and found a blood-covered shirt in the residence.  Boston, MA Violent Offense Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the case and interviews witnesses. The alleged victim states that while the defendant was present, he was not the perpetrator.  The alleged victim drafts an affidavit.  Massachusetts Criminal Trial Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The defendant is charged with three felonies; Stalking, Assault by means of a Dangerous Weapon and Malicious Destruction ofPproperty with a value over $250.  The government alleges the defendant harassed the alleged victim over a period of time and that he made a serious threat to her safety.  Massachusetts Malicious Destruction of Property Defense Attorney Jeff Miller interviews witnesses.  Boston Criminal Trial Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial and drafts key motions in limine to preserve the defendant’s right to a fair trial.  On day of trial, motions in limine are ALLOWED.  The court is unable to seat a jury from the jury pool.  The Judge continues the case.  On second trial date, the government answers not ready.

Result:  Case dismissed on day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The defendant was charged with Assault and Battery and Felony Malicious Destruction of Property with a value over $250.  The government alleged the defendant pushed her boyfriend during an argument.  The boyfriend called police.  When police arrived, the government alleged they observe the defendant throwing the boyfriend’s stereo equipment from the second floor window.  Roxbury, MA Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller conferences the case with prosecutor.

Result:  Pretrial probation, no admission by defendant, case to be dismissed after 6 months.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The defendant is charged with Felony Assault and Battery by means of a Dangerous Weapon; to wit: door.  The government alleged the defendant visited his mother’s home looking for money.  The government alleged the defendant’s mother did not want him in the house and the defendant pushed his way inside striking the alleged victim with the door.  Boston, MA ABDW Defense Attorney Jeff Miller interviews the alleged victim and prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The defendant is charged with Domestic Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the defendant was engaged in an argument with his girlfriend and the argument turned physical.  Boston, MA Domestic Assault and Battery Defense Attorney Jeff Miller interviews alleged victim who states the argument was never physical.  Massachusetts Criminal Trial Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant was charged with Felony Armed Home Invasion.  The charge was reduced to remain in the District Court jurisdiction.  Chelsea, MA Armed Home Invasion Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates a bizarre set of facts surrounding the case and prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Roxbury Division

The defendant is charged with Felony Assault and Battery by means of a Dangerous Weapon; to wit: wall.  The government alleged the defendant was engaged in an argument with his daughter and banged her head against the wall.  Boston, MA Assault and Battery by Means of a Dangerous Weapon Defense Attorney Jeff Miller interviews witnesses and prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant is charged with Felony Unarmed robbery, a life felony.  At the probable cause hearing, the government reduces the charge to Larceny from a Person.  The government alleged the defendant approached a 15 year-old man and grabbed a gold chain from his neck.  The police allege they see the alleged victim on surveillance video from neighboring businesses, but do not see the defendant.  The police do not make a copy of the video.  Chelsea, MA Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller files a motion to dismiss the complaint based on police failure to preserve the tape.  The motion Judge denies the motion.  Chelsea, MA Criminal Trial Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.  As part of trial preparation, Attorney Jeff Miller prepares a jury instruction for lost evidence.

Result:  Case dismissed on day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The defendant was charged with Felony Assault and Battery on a Retarded Person.  The government alleged the defendant and co-defendant beat the alleged victim at a bus stop.  Massachusetts Assault and Battery Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case and discovers the alleged victim and the co-defendant’s were involved in an altercation at a homeless shelter about an hour prior to the incident.  During the altercation, witnesses heard the alleged victim threaten the defendant’s.  On the day of trial, the government has multiple civilian witnesses prepared to testify.  Boston, MA Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller raises Fifth Amendment privilege of alleged victim.  The trial Judge appoints counsel for the alleged victim.  The alleged victim asserts her Fifth Amendment privilege.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The defendant is charged with Stalking and threats to commit a crime.  The government alleged the defendant stalked the alleged victim over a period of 15 months and ultimately made a serious threat.  Massachusetts Stalking Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates.  The investigation reveals the alleged victim engaged in significant number of phone calls with the defendant where she initiated the call.  Massachusetts Stalking Defense Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant is charged with Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the defendant was under the influence of alcohol and engaged in a fight with his roommate.  The roommate suffered injuries to his hands.  Chelsea, MA Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates case and prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The defendant, an out-of-state truck driver, was charged with Resisting Arrest and Disorderly Conduct.  The government alleged the defendant stopped his tractor-trailer at the entry of the 93 northbound tunnel.  As a result, no traffic is able to enter the tunnel.  Police approach the cab of the trailer and order the defendant from the cab.  The defendant does not respond.  The officer pulls the driver from the cab and places him under arrest.  Boston, MA Resisting Arrest Attorney Jeff Miller files a motion to dismiss based on no probable cause to charge the defendant with resisting arrest.  Prosecutor conferences with Attorney Miller and agrees to dismiss case.

Result:  Case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant is charged with Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the defendant engaged in a fight with the alleged victim at a local convenience store.  Several civilian witnesses observe the altercation.  Chelsea, MA Assault and Battery Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates the case and interviews the witnesses.  Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant is charged with Domestic Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the client engaged in a fight with his girlfriend and struck the alleged victim in the face.  Suffolk County Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller interviews the alleged victim who has a different account of the incident.  Chelsea, MA Criminal Trial Lawyer Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant is charged with Felony Assault and Battery on a Pregnant Person, Felony Assault and Battery by means of a dangerous weapon; to wit: shod foot and Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the defendant was engaged in a fight with the alleged victim while knowing her to be pregnant.  During the course of the incident, the government alleged the defendant kicked the alleged victim.  Chelsea, MA Felony Defense Attorney Jeff Miller files a motion to dismiss, arguing there was insufficient probable cause to establish the defendant knew the alleged victim was pregnant and no probable cause to believe the defendant was wearing shoes.  Motion to dismiss felony counts ALLOWED.  Prosecutor proceeds on misdemeanor charges. Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The defendant was charged with Assault and Battery on a Police Officer.  The government alleged the defendant refused to exit an overcrowded elevator.  A detail police officer refused to let the elevator depart until the defendant exited.  After a period of time, the defendant left the elevator and brushed against the police officer.  Boston, MA ABPO Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates and finds independent witnesses with a different account of the incident.  Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant is charged with Felony Assault with a Dangerous Weapon; to wit: mini-sword.  The government alleged the defendant assaulted the alleged victim with a mini-sword.  The alleged victim stated he was involved in a verbal altercation with the defendant.  The alleged victim returned to his apartment and called police.  When police arrived, one officer ascended up the back staircase to the defendant’s apartment.  The officer observed the defendant walking down the steps with the mini-sword.  Chelsea, MA Assault Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller files a motion to dismiss arguing no probable cause to find an attempted battery or an immediately threatened batter.

Result:  Prosecutor concedes motion to dismiss, case dismissed.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant was charged with Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the defendant assaulted a neighbor inside his apartment.  Boston, MA Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates and interviews percipient witness who states the defendant was the victim.  Attorney Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Case dismissed on the day of trial.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant is charged with Assault and Battery on a Police Officer, Assault and Battery by means of a Dangerous Weapon; to wit: beer bottle and disorderly conduct.  The government alleged the police responded to a house party with excessive noise.  When police arrived, they observed some 50 party-goers inside the residence.  Police noted that many appeared to be underage and were drinking alcohol.  The defendant was one of the numerous people in the apartment.  The police enter and an altercation ensues with one of the residents of the apartment.  Police officers deploy a TASER against the co-defendant.  Police alleged the defendant threw a 40 ounce beer bottle which stuck a police officer in the head.  Chelsea, MA Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Miller investigates and interviews percipient witnesses. One witness took photos from a cellphone camera during the incident.  Attorney Miller provides copies of the photos to the government and prepares for trial.

Result:  On day of trial, felony counts dismissed and government offers pretrial probation on the remaining counts.  No admission. 

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The defendant is charged with Domestic Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the defendant engaged in a physical altercation with his wife.  Boston Municipal Court Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates and prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, the alleged victim asserts her marital privilege.   Case dismissed.

Boston Municipal Court
Dorchester Division

The defendant is charged with two counts of Assault and Battery on a Police Officer.  The government alleged police officers were conducting surveillance of a bar in Dorchester known for drug activity.  Officers observe the defendant exit a cab, walk into the bar and return to the waiting cab a short time later.  Believing this conduct to be consistent with drug sale or purchase, the police effect a stop of the cab.  Police approach the cab and allege the passenger, the defendant, was attempting to swallow something.  A struggle ensued and the defendant was severely beaten.  The defendant was treated for his injuries at the hospital.  Dorchester, MA Assault and Battery Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller investigates the case and prepares for trial.

Result:  On the day of trial, the prosecutor recommends pretrial probation.  (this is a very unusual disposition for an Assault and battery on a police officer case)

Boston Municipal Court
Central Division

The defendant is charged with Felony Assault and Battery with a dangerous weapon and Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the defendant was the perpetrator of a stabbing in a mele outside a local nightclub.  The defendant and four co-defendants stood accused of the crime.  Massachusetts Assault and Battery Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.

Result:  Jury finds defendant NOT GUILTY on all counts.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant was charged with Felony Witness Intimidation.  The government alleged the defendant threatened an acquaintance and warned him against testifying in an upcoming child custody hearing.  Massachusetts Motion to Dismiss Lawyer Jeff Miller researches the statute and files a motion to dismiss.  Chelsea, MA Witness Intimidation Defense Attorney Jeff Miller argues the statute only applies to interference with a criminal proceeding.  Child custody proceedings occur in the probate court.

Result:  After hearing, Motion to dismiss ALLOWED.

Chelsea District Court

The defendant is charged with Felony Aggravated Assault and Battery.  The government alleged the defendant punched the alleged victim in the face twice.  The aggravating factor was an active restraining order.  EMT’s and police respond and observe the alleged victim with a bloody nose.  Massachusetts Aggravated Assault and Battery Trial Attorney Jeff Miller prepares for trial.  At trial, the alleged victim testifies the defendant punched her in the face twice.

Result:  Jury finds defendant NOT GUILTY on all counts.


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