Boston Drug Trafficking Lawyer – #1 Rated Criminal Law Attorney

Boston Drug Defense Attorney

  • Possession with intent to distribute
  • Distribution of illegal narcotics
  • Trafficking
  • School zone/park zone

Drug or narcotic offenses are governed by MGL ch. 94C. Every drug crime has legal elements which the government is required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Each element must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt before a conviction can occur. The following is a summary of the elements for a few frequently charged drug offenses. Click Here to read about drug cases handled by Massachusetts Drug Defense Attorney Jeff Miller.

Possession with intent to distribute: Possession of a substance defined under Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 94C with the specific intent to distribute the substance. Generally speaking, the government attempts to prove a specific intent to distribute by introducing evidence of surrounding circumstances such as large amounts of cash, paraphernalia associated with distribution (i.e. cutting agent, packaging material, scales), and/or the quantity of the substance recovered. In Massachusetts, all possession with intent to distribute offenses except a first offense for possession with intent to distribute marijuana are felonies. The maximum penalty depends on the Class of the substance under Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 94C and the defendant’s prior history of drug convictions. Enhanced penalties are available to the government for defendant’s charged as subsequent offenders.  Contact Middlesex County Possession With Intent To Distribute Lawyer Jeff Miller for a confidential consultation.

Distribution: Distribution of some perceptible amount of a controlled substance as defined under Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 94C to another person. It is irrelevant whether money was exchanged for the substance. In Massachusetts, distribution of a Class of drug defined under Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 94C is a felony. As is true with possession with intent to distribute offenses, the maximum penalty depends on the Class of the substance under Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 94C and the defendant’s prior history of drug convictions.  Call Boston Drug Distribution Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller to schedule an appointment.

Trafficking: Knowing or intentional manufacture, distribution, dispensing or possession with intent to manufacture, distribute, dispense or bring into the Commonwealth a substance defined under Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 94C. In Massachusetts, trafficking is a felony offense. The punishment is determined by the weight of the substance and the Class of the substance as defined under Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 94C. A trafficking conviction requires a mandatory minimum sentence ranging from 2 years to 15 years.  Contact Massachusetts Drug Trafficking Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller for an appointment.

School Zone/Park Zone: Massachusetts law provides an enhanced penalty for defendant’s convicted of possession with intent to distribute, distribution or trafficking within 300 feet of a school or within 100 feet of a park. If the case is tried in the District Court, a mandatory minimum sentence of 2 years in the House of Corrections must be imposed. If the defendant is convicted in the Superior Court and the defendant is sentenced to state prison sentence, a mandatory minimum sentence of 2 ½ years in state prison is imposed.  Call Boston School Zone Defense Lawyer Jeff Miller for an appointment.

Contact Aggressive Boston Drug Defense Attorney Jeff Miller to schedule an appointment to discuss your case.


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